I know most of you out there are professional drillers, so please bear with me whilst we pass on a basic, but most important bit of advice to our new members.
A DTH Hammer has finely engineered internal components, much the same as a car engine, demanding the same protection. Without it things will go wrong and you and your company will be disadvantaged.
A proper rock oil of the correct grade, in the recommended amounts is needed to lubricate and protect the Hammer.
Oil is not only needed for protection but also to provide a vital seal between the piston and wearsleeve, inner cylinder and air distributor.
This seal is essential for efficiency, ensuring that air is used effectively to provide energy without waste.
Local ambient temperatures can vary and oils should be used to match the environment in which the hammer will operate.
In temperate conditions a 220 centistroke grade is usually the best to use. Hotter climates call for a thicker 320 grade and in colder environs a thinner 180 grade oil may be best.
Our Handbook can advise you on recommended types and quantities to use.
In wet conditions or where foam is being injected through the Hammer, it is always advisable to double your oil usage to compensate for wash-off.
Lubrication systems which have positive and variable injection capabilities are preferred.
Pouring oils down the pipe may help over a short period, however it is not the recommended practice.