Mincon – 30 Years Strong
Mincon International celebrated their 30th birthday in February 2007 and the celebration was befitting the occasion. For those that know Mincon, the following should give a better idea of the steps that have brought us to where we are now. For those that do not, we hope you take the opportunity to get to know […]
“Keep it Clean” – Tips for maintaining your DTH Hammer
A basic, but important, tip is to “Keep it Clean”. Even the smallest foreign particle can cause untold damage to the Hammer. “World Class” DTH Tools need tight tolerances between the piston and the internal running surfaces for speed and efficiency. Dirt or other foreign bodies passing through can become trapped between the outer wall […]
Sticky Ground – Tips for drilling in loose ground conditions
Drilling in bad ground is not a driller’s most favourite pastime as he runs the risk of loosing his DTH tooling. Bad ground may be made up of broken or fissured rock, clays, sands or damp heavy conditions where dust can cling to the wall of the hole. Naturally it is important to keep the […]
Quality, Performance and Customer Service
Mincon has an established track record of delivering, world wide, high quality and superior performance tools to the Rock Drilling Industry. Maximum customer service and satisfaction is its primary focus and has a team of highly motivated personnel to achieve this. In 1998 the Company embarked upon an ambitious plan to develop a new range […]
Don't Get Screwed Up – Tips for Opening Your DTH Hammer
How many times have we come to change the bit or strip the Hammer only to find that it cannot be dismantled without extreme difficulty and much effort. Hammer manufacturers are sometimes at a loss what to do when it comes to thread design. If the threads are of one design they may be hard […]
The Importance of Hammer Lubrication
I know most of you out there are professional drillers, so please bear with me whilst we pass on a basic, but most important bit of advice to our new members. A DTH Hammer has finely engineered internal components, much the same as a car engine, demanding the same protection. Without it things will go […]
Geothermal Drilling with Mincon Rockdrills
In recent years there has been a major push in geothermal heating and cooling system installations. Escalating and uncertain fuel costs have been the driving force behind this, and with the possibility of reducing heating and cooling operating costs by 30% to 60% coupled with Federal and State incentives the proposition of going to Geothermal […]
Close Relationships Make Good business Sense – C.S. Garber & Sons and Mincon Rockdrills
An Interview with Dennis Stoudt, President of C.S. Garber & Sons, Boyertown, Pennsylvania by Michael Cowell of Mincon Rockdrills. C.S. Garber & Sons Inc. was founded in 1929 as a single drill company in the waterwell industry. The company was family owned until 1980 and was again sold on January 7th, 2000 to three employees […]
Mincon Mining Equipment
Mincon’s state of the art Drill Rig Rebuild Centre is based in the vibrant area of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Focused heavily on the underground mining sector we are ideally placed both for the North American Mining Sector, and with excellent logistics facilities in Vancouver can offer an excellent service to our remaining customers around […]
Geothermal Drilling in Sweden
Scandinavia has long been acknowledged as being at the forefront of Ground-Source Heat Pump technology and the development of the most efficient installation techniques. There are currently in excess of 315,000 installations in Scandinavia and the experience and expertise gained during their completion is now being utilised in many other, energy conscious, countries around the […]